Markup: clickable email adresses - but with antispam
Makes email addresses clickabe, but obfuscates them to block spam harvester bots
Enabling a recaptcha for commenting articles (You need to apply for a key)
Spam Protector (RBL)
Will reject comments made from hosts which are listed in RBLs. Pay attention that this may affect proxy-users or dial-up users.
Backend: Editor
Amazon Media Button
Adds a button to allow search which are insertable into your entry
CKEditor Plus
Uses CKEditor as the default WYSIWYG editor. For any JS-Editor usage: Recommended! After installation, go to the configuration screen of this plugin for further instructions.
Coppermine Selector
Select images from a Coppermine gallery in new entries
Custom Permalinks for Entries
Defines custom permalinks that can be used to access a specific entry. It can only use URL patterns which are NOT YET in use - using custom permalinks within the /archives/ structure is thus not possible. But any (virtual) other directory is.
Easy Podcasting Plugin
Adds "podcasting" capabilities hinzu (RSS enclosure, Video/Sound-Player)
Extended Editor Buttons: Youtube etc.
Offers more buttons to the editing screen to implement easy access to HTML/JS snippets like Youtube etc.
LJ/MySpace/Serendipity Update Plugin
Uses XMLRPC to post to your Livejournal/MySpace/Serendipity
This plugin provides an easy way to publish reviews (or events); it supports the respective microformats.
Rules for publishing
Applies some checks before an entry is published. Does not work with WYSIWYG-CKEDITOR!
Show Emoticon/Smiley toolbar
Shows a toolbar to select emoticons to insert into your entry.
Split long entries
Enables you to split longer entries into several subpages and provides you with an auto-generated table of contents
Static Pages
Shows static pages inside your blog with your blogs design and all formattings. Adds a new menu item to the admin interface.
Allows granular control over how trackbacks are sent when creating entries
Typeset/Extended Buttons for non-WYSIWYG editors
Adds buttons for various encoded typeset entities and other extended actions.
Backend: Features
Backup Interface
Provides the ability to automatically make backups from your s9y, the database-tables, the whole database and the files. Only MySQL(i) databases are currently supported. WARNING: This plugin does not work well with large databases or directories.
Cronjob scheduler
This plugin periodically executes plugins that provide/require periodic tasks. See the configuration of this plugin for details.
DSGVO / GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation
This plugin aims to help blog owners apply conformity to the General Data Protection Regulation Act.
Display RSS-Feed in Backend Overview
Displays a RSS feed on the overview page (right after login) to the administration interface
Shows an event calendar inside your blogs with your normal blog design. It supports backend/frontend administration, multiple events and iCal export. (MySQL-only)
Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.
Allows you to truncate any link for redirection on your own blog, like, etc.
Fetches and publishes email and attachments from a POP3 email account (with special cell phone support)
Proxy Real-IP
Sets the correct Visitors IP when useing a Proxy for your webserver. Should be the first plugin in the list.
Serendipity Autoupdate
When the dashboard-plugin (once a day) detects an update, this plugin adds the option to manually download or start an automatic and secured upgrade of the blog directly with one click from within the adminarea.
Static Pages
Shows static pages inside your blog with your blogs design and all formattings. Adds a new menu item to the admin interface.
Template Editor
Edit the files of the currently used template directly form the adminarea.
Backend: Meta information
GeoURL allocates URLs to locations. More Information at
Sets HTML meta keywords/description tags and title element for single entry pages and default meta keywords/description tags for non-single entry pages.
HTML-Code inside head (HTML-Head Nugget)
Allows you to insert HTML-Code into the HEAD-area of your blog. You can use this for meta-tags or JavaScript inclusion.
Backend: Themes
Layout-Plugin: Printerfriendly version
Using the print function of your browser, you will see a better printed representation of your Entry
This plugin provides an easy way to publish reviews (or events); it supports the respective microformats.
Properties/Templates of categories
This plugin provides additional properties for categories and their entries, including custom templates, sort order, display limit, password protection, and RSS hiding.
Toggle Sidebar state (collapsed/uncollapsed)
Shrinks Sidebars to just their titles. Extra configuration in Entries -> Manage Sidebars in the Admin Suite.
Backend: Usermanagement
BrowserID Authentification
Allows authors to authenticate using the BrowserID service.
External user authentication (LDAP)/tracking
Allows to use external ressource to validate logins. Logins will be cached in the Serendipity database framework. This plugin can also track logins inside the Database.
Authenticates users via HTTP auth using their s9y user login data.
OpenID Authentication
Allows authors to authenticate using an OpenID, their Google or Yahoo account.
Options for trustworthy editing on multi-user blogs / HTMLPurifier
This plugin can specify, which authors on a multi-user blog you have enough trust in and do not expect hacking attempts. All other users are treated as possibly evil and cannot create HTML entries.
User Profiles
Shows simple user profiles and allows to embed author pictures.
Frontend: Entry Related
Customizable Entries Archive
Shows a sortable view of all past articles for the visitor. The link to this page should be inserted into a HTML nugget.
HTML Link Metatags
Inserts link rel="start|up|prev|next|canonical" metatags into your frontend for better navigation.
Sets HTML meta keywords/description tags and title element for single entry pages and default meta keywords/description tags for non-single entry pages.
HTML Nugget on Page
Puts an HTML nugget on top or bottom of the page, or inside the page's HEAD tag
Hide/delete entries for non-registered users after a specific timespan
Hides all entries which are older than a specified age, so that they are only visible for registered users/authors.
Links to next/previous entry
Allows viewing the next/previous entry when viewing
Enhances the internal search function by adding live-updates on keypress (JavaScript)
OpenStreetMap integration
Provides an interactive map for *.gpx uploads and geo-tagged entries
OpenStreetMap static files
Includes scripts and stylesheets for OpenStreetMap support
Options for trustworthy editing on multi-user blogs / HTMLPurifier
This plugin can specify, which authors on a multi-user blog you have enough trust in and do not expect hacking attempts. All other users are treated as possibly evil and cannot create HTML entries.
Show last modification date
Shows a message with the last modification date of an entry on the blogs frontpage. For not modified entries shows a message that says they are not modified.
Frontend: External Services
External PHP Application
Shows an external PHP application inside your blog with your blogs design and all formattings. USE WITH CARE, THIS PLUGIN HAS SECURITY IMPLICATIONS AS IT INCLUDES ANY GENERIC PHP FILE! YOU CAN ONLY USE THIS PLUGIN AS ADMIN!
Highlight search queries
Highlights queries used in the referring search engine to locate your page
Post via XML-RPC
Allows to post/edit entries via the XML-RPC API (MT, Blogger, WordPress Endpoints)
Share Buttons
Show social share buttons for services like Facebook and Twitter.
Sitemap Generator (for Crawlers)
Creates a sitemap.xml.gz, which can be used by miscellaneous Web-Crawlers. (Google, MSN, Yahoo and Ask) automatic linking
Automatically links quoted statues and judicature (references and source of information) with contents of
flickr Photostream CSS
This plugin is an extension to the flickr Photostream sidebar plugin and adds style information (CSS).
Frontend: Features
Contact Form
Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.
DSGVO / GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation
This plugin aims to help blog owners apply conformity to the General Data Protection Regulation Act.
Shows an event calendar inside your blogs with your normal blog design. It supports backend/frontend administration, multiple events and iCal export. (MySQL-only)
Flattr is a social micropayment platform that lets you show love for the things you like. This plugin embedds "Flattr"-Badges in blog entries and RSS feeds. You can specify flattr-specific options per-entry, with a default global fallback.
Provides a JSON object which contains all geographic data and can be processed with JavaScript
Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.
Group a category's entries in a frontpage box instead of the usual article listing. Supports nested newsboxes.
Searches comments on quicksearch
If this plugin is installed, the quicksearch on your blog will also search through comments on your blog
Suggest entries
Allows non-registered authors to suggest entries for publishing
Maintain a list of projects and their percentage completion.
Frontend: Full Mods
Backup Interface
Provides the ability to automatically make backups from your s9y, the database-tables, the whole database and the files. Only MySQL(i) databases are currently supported. WARNING: This plugin does not work well with large databases or directories.
Discussion forum / phpBB comment mirroring
Provides a complete discussion forum to your users. Can alternatively provide to mirror comments into a phpBB installation.
Provides full downloadmanager capabilities to your s9y. When uninstalling, all related tables will be dropped!
Post via XML-RPC
Allows to post/edit entries via the XML-RPC API (MT, Blogger, WordPress Endpoints)
Properties/Templates of categories
This plugin provides additional properties for categories and their entries, including custom templates, sort order, display limit, password protection, and RSS hiding.
RSS Aggregator
Display entries from multiple RSS feeds ("Planet"). IMPORTANT NOTE: Updating and "feeding" your Aggregator must currently still happen manually via Cronjobs or similar. Call this URL with your custom timing interval: index.php?/plugin/aggregator
Frontend: Views
Comment Spice
Spice up your comments area with goodies like commenters twitter or last posted article link and nofollows by rules.
Disqus comments is a webservice that allows you to manage comments, with central logins. It stores and manages comments outside of your Serendipity installation, and is embedded using JavaScript. For more information see
Enhanced Comment Area
Uses JavaScript to show a live preview and markup-buttons
Facebook (Experimental!)
Imports comments made on facebook postings (like through RSS Graffiti) back into the blog. Also embeds Facebook OpenGraph Meta-Tags into the blog. Note that adding "like"-Buttons to blog entries is achieved via the serendipity_event_findmore plugin!
Frontend entry filtering
Allows visitors to filter/order your entries by several options
Microblogging (Twitter,Identica)
Adds a twitter/identica client to the admininistration interface, searches for tweetbacks and announces new articles to a microblogging account.
Group a category's entries in a frontpage box instead of the usual article listing. Supports nested newsboxes.
Properties/Templates of categories
This plugin provides additional properties for categories and their entries, including custom templates, sort order, display limit, password protection, and RSS hiding.
Realtime Comments
Load comments made from other users without reloading the page.
Coppermine Selector
Select images from a Coppermine gallery in new entries
Extended options for media manager
Allows extended options for inserting images from the media manager [Serendipity >= 0.9]
Lightbox for entry images
Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works with all modern browsers. All lightboxes pop-up images. This plugin searches through your entries, and replaces every image 'a href="XXX"' link to use the internal display. So if you want your thumbnail images to popup large, you need to insert your images as links to the large version. To display also hidden set images by display:none, use lightbox2. These lightbox scripts are all jQuery based. They do not only support image types, they may also add support for ajax, videos, flash, YouTube, iFrame, inline, or modal boxes. This Plugin uses them for image lightboxes only, but you can easily add other content types manually to your entries and start the chosen lightbox as described in their online documentaries.
Thumbnail Page
Shows a thumbnail page. Address is index.php?serendipity[page]=thumbs
Extended options for media manager
Allows extended options for inserting images from the media manager [Serendipity >= 0.9]
Free Wiki links for your entries
You can specify new/existing links to your blog entries via [[title]], link to staticpages via ((title)) and link to both via {{title}}. References can be automatically appended to the blog entry.
Markup: GeSHi
Computer Language Color Syntax Highlighting. Tag usage: [geshi lang=lang_name [,ln={y|n}]]code snippet[/geshi]
Markup: Include entry data/templates/blocks
Allows you to add HTML-style tags to your entry that includes parts of other entrys. Use this markup: [s9y-include-entry:XXX:YYY]. Replace XXX with the target entryid and YYY with the target field name (i.e. "body", "title", "extended", ...). You can also use the new menu functions to maintain templates and blocks that can get inserted in between your entries.
Markup: Mobile Output
This plugin handles mobile devices and outputs optimized XHTML MP markup if it detects a mobile browser and a specially optimized site for iPhone and iPod Touch. It also scales images to fit the display size.
Markup: RegexpMarkup
Mark up via user custom regexp files. See example files in "regexps" subdirectory of this plugin.
Markup: Smarty Parsing
Parses Smarty instructions inside the article text. This is not usable in combination with syntax code-highlighters or multilingual tags in entry context fields!
Markup: Syntax Highlighter
This plugin is a JavaScript code highlighter based on the code of the same name by Alex Gorbatchev. This plugin takes less server-side resources than GeSHi and displays less markup in the actual HTML code. It's a lighter, cleaner alternative. This plugin requires the supporting theme to provide the following hooks: frontend_header, frontend_footer (and optionally backend_preview on the administrative theme only).
Markup: Typographic Smart Quotes
Convert straight quotes to smart quotes. Also can use SmartyPants PHP library (by Michel Fortin, based on SmartyPants by John Gruber) to provide further typographic replacement.
Markup: clickable email adresses - but with antispam
Makes email addresses clickabe, but obfuscates them to block spam harvester bots
MimeTex/LaTeX TeX Interpreter
Create Gifs from TeX expressions using MimeTex or LaTeX
Options for trustworthy editing on multi-user blogs / HTMLPurifier
This plugin can specify, which authors on a multi-user blog you have enough trust in and do not expect hacking attempts. All other users are treated as possibly evil and cannot create HTML entries.
Prettify for S9Y
Use Prettify to brush content between PRE tags for simple syntax highlighting.
Transforms HTML for comments
Allows to insert HTML tags in comments (instead of stripping the tags, they are now converted to entities). Needs to be first of all markup plugins in the event queue!
Google Analytics 4
This plugin adds extended Google Analytics 4 functionality.
Show read/unread state of entries for visitors
Show read/unread state of entries for visitors